Category:Labour Market,Labour Market 2015Summary :
- Signs of recovery detected in May Quarter Labour Force figures have evaporated.
- Year on Year figures to August Quarter and September monthly seasonal trends indicate jobs growth has slowed below the minimum required to sustain labour market growth and new jobless are sliding back into hidden unemployed.
- Publicly funded or regulated industries such as public admin, health and education are generating all of net jobs growth for the past year.
- Male participation rates have started to slide downwards again. This is of major concern.
- Regions faring worst over past year are those dominated by mining jobs which saw Australia through the GFC. Local informal reports from these areas say housing markets and retail sectors are in trouble.
- South Australian and Tasmanian economies have become basket cases.
- Regions doing the best and propping up national figures are led by high SES inner suburbs of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. If or when the mining slump finally reaches these areas the country is in trouble.
Read Full Report ADS Jobs Profile Aug Qtr 2015 .pdf