Category:Labour Market,Labour Market 2015The labour market entered a period of recovery in the 12 months leading up to the November Quarter 2015, when we compare it to the 12 months leading up to the August Quarter 2015.
The jobs national labour market absorbed all new potential workforce entrants and also found jobs for some existing unemployed and hidden unemployed.
This appears to have a political component with consumers driving up retail jobs.
State Governments also continued hiring large numbers of health and education workers.
Tourism regions gained jobs even though the industry itself grew by only 10,000 jobs.
Demographically older, female Australians in traditional sea change retirement regions like Richmond Tweed or Wide Bay have seen big job gains and unemployment rate falls. Some Tasmanian regions also made an overdue recovery.
For online map go to: http://mgo.ms/s/ki9fy
Mining lost only 5,000 jobs but also seems to have exercised considerable negative leverage on jobs in mining regions in Western Australia and Northern Queensland.
The big losers demographically were middle aged men in jobs at high risk of being replaced by computerisation.
A serious gender imbalance is emerging with the labour market with a declining participation rate for men existing alongside record high participation rates for women.
Read full report: ADS Jobs Profile Nov Qtr 2015 final.pdf