Category:National 2019Here’s a fantastic Esri map done by Australian Development Strategies and Education Geographics Senior Mapper Dr Jeanine McMullan. It’s online, completely interactive, public and you can email it to your fellow election tragics. You can blow it up, reduce it, drag it around or select an address and see how it rated on each layer. Open it up at the link below, and then click on the little button in the top right corner of the page, to get some tips on how t o use it.
Among the other buttons at top right of the map, there are, from left, layers for all the key variables which decided who won the 2019 election, there’s bookmarks
for the major regions, so you can go there directly, there’s a score sheet of key indicators
under every screen being viewed with standardised scores (move the map around and watch the numbers update), there’s the info button
, a share button
so you can post the map to social media, a seat button
, so you can check out the scores for each individual seat and finally the legend for each layer displayed. Hours of fun from our mapper.
The link is https://egs-au.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=1a84d2f75fe04666a7501c5cd7921c0f