Elaborate looks beneath the surface of client databases to tell businesses:
- Where their clients live and whether these patterns have changed with urban developments
- Who are their clients, in broad and clear demographic outlines
- The detailed profile of clients, so businesses know more about their clients’ interests and their capacity to pay
- Where they can find more clients matching their current profile, either in their current catchment or in potential catchments
- How they can monitor future marketing progress and efficiency.
Australian Development Strategies (ADS) also subsidises research into contemporary economic issues, such as the patterns and profile of unemployment and demographic modelling of national elections, and provides political comments and articles to major national media outlets, including The Australian Financial Review, The Australian and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
About 90% of an iceberg lies beneath the surface. So it is with demographic and customer data. ELABORATE allows you to cost-effectively leverage existing customer information and gain access to the 90% of insights that lie, beneath the surface and out of sight to the casual observer.
Elaborate is the most comprehensive demographic tool available on the market today. It accesses over 750 demographic variables derived from Australian Bureau of Statistics Census, Household Expenditure, Labour Force data and other private data, such as house and land prices, or home loan arrears, and generates market profiles and analysis for any industry or sector, down to the smallest 400 person census units.
Elaborate began as The Election Modelling Project in South Australia in the mid seventies. This early model has now developed to the stage that it is a more powerful explanatory tool than the traditional voter pendulum, with the added advantage that it also profiles both traditional and emerging voter blocs such as traditional swinging voters, Howard Battlers, Professional Women and Green Inner Urban voters. The same statistical techniques now form the basis of Elaborate and they have been applied to model and predict a wide range of consumer and economic behaviour.